Autumn Vowles Siquig

Class: 2010
Graduated with a French major in 2010
Autumn is currently a French instructor and graduate student in the PhD program for French Languages and Literature at Johns Hopkins University. She says, "Although French was my professed "fun major," it led me to experience life abroad in Lille (in the north of France), where I lived for eight months and taught English to collégiens as a part of the TAPIF program (Teaching Assistant Program in France). Subsequently, my passion for learning and teaching, coupled with an appreciation for French language and culture and a love of literature guided me in my decision to pursue a career in academia in the field of French studies. I am currently in my third year of a PhD program at Johns Hopkins University where I will be writing my dissertation on 17th and 18th century libertine literature in France. After graduation, I hope to become a professor of French in an American University."