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German Courses

 Please see the Schedule of Classes for most current and upcoming course offerings.

Note that except for GER 220 and GER 314 all courses are conducted in German.


101 First Semester: The Personal World (4)

German for beginners. Through communicative activities covering the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), students learn to ask and answer questions and share information about themselves, their families, and their daily activities. Satisfies GE, category C3 (Comparative Perspectives and Foreign Languages). Prerequisites: None..

102 Second Semester: Contemporary Germany (4)

Expansion of the skills acquired in GER 101. Students build on their knowledge of German culture. They improve their communicative competence, and develop skills needed to negotiate a variety of everyday situations in Germany. Satisfies GE, category C3 (Comparative Perspectives and Foreign Languages). Prerequisite: GER 101 or consent of instructor.

195 Elementary Special Studies (1-4)

Directed individual study. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

200 Intermediate German: The German-Speaking World Today (4)

This course introduces various cities and regions that provide the context to review first-year German. Students develop ability to communicate in German and their understanding of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland by engaging with increasingly complex topics (e.g. education, environmental issues, politics, history). Satisfies GE, category C3 (Comparative Perspectives and Foreign Languages). Prerequisite: GER 102 or consent of instructor.

210 Intermediate German through Film (4)

This course uses films to expand students’ knowledge of the history and culture of the German-speaking world. Films promote vocabulary enhancement, grammar review as well as improvement of speaking and writing skills. Cross-cultural comparisons encourage critical thinking skills. Satisfies GE, category C3 (Comparative Perspectives and Foreign Languages). Prerequisite: GER 102. This course may be taken before GER 200.

300 Advanced German Studies: Special Topic (4)

Prepares students for the “Zertifikat Deutsch.” Students acquire differentiated vocabulary, greater grammatical accuracy, and improve their speaking and writing skills by focusing on varied language use in different contexts. Content may include: issues of gender or multiculturalism; the continued influence of the Nazi past; German reunification. Prerequisites: GER 200 and GER 210, or consent of instructor. Course may be taken before GER 314. May be repeated for credit under different subtitles. Must be taken in residence at SSU.

314 Literature of the German-Speaking World: Special Topic (4)

Studies of literary and cultural achievements from the German-speaking world, with particular emphasis on Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Organized around a particular theme, genre, or a literary/cultural movement. Discussion of literature, film, art, and the cultural histories of the particular countries. Includes techniques of reading, analysis, composition. Taught in English. Satisfies GE, category C2 (World Literature). Prerequisite: ENGL 101 and GER 102, or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit under different title.

315 German Language and Literature (1)

Readings and discussion of selected literary works in German. Review of vocabulary and grammar. Includes practice of pronunciation. German minor students must take this course concurrently with GER 314. Also open to other German students. CR/NC only. Prerequisite: GER 102 or consent of instructor.

395 Community Involvement Program CIP (1-4)

CIP involves students in basic community problems, performing such tasks as tutoring, coaching, and assisting others in the process of learning. Students receive one to four units, depending on the specific tasks performed. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

495 Special Studies (1-4)

Directed individual study. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

499 Internship (2)

Internship in the USA or in a German-speaking country. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

For additional information about the special major please contact Dr. Michaela Grobbel, (707) 664-2637, email: