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Spanish FAQ

“Ya hablo español, POR QUÉ ESTUDIARLO?”
Para desarrollar tus capacidades y habilidades bilingües en español y en inglés y para mejorar tus perspectivas de empleo.

What can the Spanish program do to help me further develop my Spanish skills? 
Our courses help you develop your academic and professional communication skills in writing, reading, speaking, listening, and grammar. We also have advanced courses in literature, linguistics, cultural history, and other topics to help you to deepen your understanding of the uses and importance of Spanish in the United States and around the world. Our degree prepares you to think critically, to articulate your ideas both orally and in writing, and to learn how to perceive and understand your world from a variety of perspectives.

What can I do with a Spanish degree?
“Anything you want to do, you can do it better with a Spanish degree!” The growth of Spanish in the United States and around the world means that bilingual professionals are needed in most careers, including those in healthcare, business, financial services, social services, marketing, journalism, education, tourism, government, human resources, non-profit, and many others.

What kinds of classes would I be taking in the major or minor?
Focused on the liberal arts, the major/minor in Spanish encompasses courses in language, literature, linguistics, culture, the arts, and related fields.

How can I fit a Spanish degree into my schedule?
We offer a variety of options including hybrid, online, synchronous and asynchronous courses. Some of our face-to-face courses are also offered later in the day/evening to provide as much flexibility as possible.

How do I determine what level of Spanish I should start with?
Please see the placement guidelines in the advising information below. You may also contact an advisor (see info below) for placement.

What class should I register for?
If you took Spanish as your high school language when you applied to Sonoma State, you cannot receive GE credit for Beginning Spanish, SPAN 101 or 102. The general tendency is that each year of language in high school is equal to one semester at the University; i.e. if you took two years in high school, you are ready for SPAN 201. If you speak Spanish at home, you must begin with SPAN 201 or higher, many heritage students will begin in SPAN 300H.

NOTE: For example, at Santa Rosa Junior College, Spanish 1 is the same as our SPAN 101, Spanish 2, our SPAN 102; Spanish 3, our SPAN 201; Spanish 4, our SPAN 202.

Important Advising Points to Consider

  • Most students who took Spanish in High School can start with SPAN 201 or higher.
  • With 4 years of High School Spanish or 3 semesters at Junior College, students enroll in SPAN 202.
  • Students with advanced Spanish language experience may be able to start with SPAN 300 or 300H for heritage learners. See the tables below for more information.
  • Students with Spanish language experience at an advanced level may also enroll in other courses at the 300-level including SPAN 306: Cultures of Spain, Upper Division GE.

 Placement Guidelines

Years of Spanish courses taken in high school

Course Placement


 Placement in SPAN 102


 Placement in SPAN 201


 Placement in SPAN 201


 Placement in SPAN 202

Students with some coursework and advanced Spanish language experience, such as any of the following:

  • Speaking Spanish in their daily lives,
  • AP Spanish language credit (see AP table),
  • Lived abroad

 Placement in SPAN 300/300H

Students with Spanish for Spanish Native/Heritage Speakers course(s) in high school or junior college

Placement in SPAN 300/300H


Advanced Placement (AP)  Spanish Language Exam CREDIT & Placement Guidelines for Advisors

AP Spanish Language Test score

SSU Spanish credit


No credit


Credit is given for SPAN 101, SPAN 102, and SPAN 201 for a total of 12 units. Student may enroll in SPAN 202 or SPAN 300/ 300H


Credit is given for SPAN 101- SPAN 202 for a total of 16 units. Enroll in SPAN 300 or 300H.


Credit is given for SPAN 101-SPAN 300 for a total of 20 units. Student may enroll in SPAN 301

AP Literature Test score

3, 4 or 5

Credit is given for SPAN 305.


Semesters of Spanish taken at Junior College


 Placement in SPAN 102


 Placement in SPAN 201


 Placement in SPAN  202


 Placement in SPAN 300 or SPAN 300H

Students with Spanish for Spanish Native/Heritage Speakers course(s) in junior college

 Placement in SPAN 300 or SPAN 300H

Students with some coursework and advanced Spanish language experience, such as any of the following:

  • Speaking Spanish in their daily lives,
  • AP Spanish language credit (see AP table),
  • Lived abroad


Placement in SPAN 300/300H


Which classes should I take first in the major or minor?
For major or minor, students should always enroll in SPAN 300 or 300H first, as soon as 202 (or equivalent) is completed. 

Whom should I contact if I have other questions?
Contact, Robert Train at 664-2014 (, Parissa Tadrissi at 664-3163 (, or Emily Clark at 664-2436 (

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