Krissy Bjorndal

Class: 2016
Graduated with a French major in 2016
Krissy is currently living in Paris as an au pair, and will continue to live in Paris next year as a teaching assistant in the TAPIF program where she will be helping French children learn English at l’Académie de Versailles. She hopes eventually to enroll in a master’s program in France. She says, "I am able to be where I am today solely due to the opportunities presented to me at SSU and the French Department. If I had never studied abroad and experienced life in Paris for a year—or for that matter, life anywhere abroad—I could never have become the person I am today. The French Department at SSU gave me not only practice in the basics of speaking and understanding a language, but also context; I gained a better understanding of an entire culture. While determination and the ability to communicate in French are the key factors in what brought me to where I am today, I credit SSU and the French Department for the door that was opened via studying abroad and learning French."