Vanina d'Ambrosio

Class: 2015
Graduated with a French minor in 2015.
"During my time at SSU I participated in a year long study abroad in Paris, France which was the best experience of my life and I can not speak highly enough about it. While in Paris I discovered my love for Art History and French culture. My study abroad experience has led me to applying for a Masters in Art History focusing on French art of the 18th and 19th centuries. I would not be where I am today without the guidance and intelligence of all my amazing professors and the incredible international office that helped me succeed while abroad. When I receive my masters I would love to work first hand in a museum as a curator and also as an art writer either here or in France. I still speak French today with my partner who I met in Paris and have a deep appreciation for everything the English and French departments have done to help me succeed and become a more culturally aware person." Vanina has recently been accepted to the Masters in Art History program at CSU-Long Beach.