German Peer Language Facilitators, 2013-2014
My name is Verena, I'm 25 years old and I'm studying to be an elementary teacher at the University of Education Ludwigsburg. I also live in Ludwigsburg which is located in the southwest of Germany, close to Stuttgart. My main subjects are German, Music, English and Education but as an elementary teacher I am going to teach almost everything!
I decided to study abroad for the three following reasons: 1) to improve my English to be a good English teacher, 2) to get to know California and the United States, and the most important one 3) to meet many nice people:-).
I'm excited to be a PLF because I would love to help you with your German studies. We are going to focus on exercises/skills you need more time with, talk about the German culture, and I will try to answer any question you have about the German language or the country itself. I am looking forward to meeting you in German 200L!
Hi Everyone! My name is Timon and I am student of English, Math, and Pedagogy at the University in Freiburg, Germany. I am studying to become a teacher. I am currently at Sonoma State for one semester, and I am taking English and Education courses here. Additionally, I am a "Peer Language Facilitator", which means I will be teaching small conversation groups of German Language students, and I'm really looking forward to it! I have always dreamed of coming to the USA and now I'm really excited to be here and I love it so far. I'm looking forward to experience this great country, its culture and meet wonderful new people!
My name is Isabelle Broesch. I am a 22 year old student from the University of Tuebingen, Germany. I am studying Interdisciplinary American Studies and I will soon be graduating. For this fall and the upcoming spring semester I am studying at Sonoma State University. After I finished high school (Gymnasium), I wanted to go on an adventure and decided to go to the Highlands in Aberdeen, Scotland. I stayed for one year and worked in a home for elderly and disabled people. I am a huge Scotland fan and I enjoy being around people! I think I am a fun and open-minded person. One of my favorite things is cooking. I am excited to try new recipes from different countries. I love to travel and I am trying to see as many places as I can, and therefore I am really excited to be here in California. I am very interested in different cultures and I look forward to introducing the German culture to you!
Hello! My name is Chris, I'm 24 years old, from Munich and I'm studying Economics and Business Administration at the University of Tübingen. My concentrations are Accounting and Taxation. I also live in Tübingen which is located in the Southwest of Germany. I applied for SSU because I like small campuses and I'm excited to get to know California and its people. As a PLF I want to motivate and help the German 101 students to learn the language. We are going to cover not only grammar but also a lot of the German culture, e.g. the Oktoberfest (THE place to be in Germany). See you all in the German Lab!
Hello! My name is Dunja. I am studying at the Pädagogische Hochschule/University of Education in Freiburg and want to become a secondary school teacher. My subjects are Biology, German, and English. I will study at Sonoma State for Fall 2013, and I am really happy to have the opportunity to study at this great campus in California.
The "Peer Language Facilitator"-Program is a great chance for me to get in contact with German students and to learn more about small group interaction as well as teaching methods. I am more than happy to help you learn the German language and to answer any questions you might have about Germany. Can't wait for our group meetings!